
Thyroid Disease

Q: What’s the difference between hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism? How will I know if I have one of these conditions? A: Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are common thyroid conditions that affect how your body uses energy. Both are linked to the thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped organ in your neck that produces … Read More
Woman suffering from stress


· · Aging & Independence
Q: Does having frequent or even occasional intrusive thoughts automatically indicate obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)? A: Intrusive thoughts are simply unwanted thoughts or images that pop into your head and can be either difficult to ignore or keep returning once you’ve tried to move on. And while they are a hallmark … Read More


· · Aging & Independence
Q: I’ve read that the emotions you’re experiencing in the moment can affect how a memory is stored. But can your emotions also affect how you recall a memory? A: Memory and emotion are keenly inter­twined, and not always to the benefit of accurate memory formation and recall. Stress, for … Read More


· · Aging & Independence
Q: Does using an e-reader or a traditional book matter when it comes to memory and retention of the material in the book? A: Some small studies have suggested that the tactile aspects of paging through a good old-fashioned book may help you better remember the plot, details, and information … Read More

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