
Sugar Substitutes: Are They Healthy?

· · Nutrition
If you have a sweet tooth, you may have turned to sugar substitutes as a way to get the sweetness you enjoy without the health harms of too much sugar. Sugar substitutes are intense enough to pack a punch in small amounts—plus, they contain significantly fewer calories than natural sugars … Read More

Upcycled Foods

· · Nutrition
A lot of food is going to waste. More than a third of the food produced in the world is wasted, unnecessarily contributing to landfills and, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency, about six percent of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. Nobody intentionally wants to waste food, especially with climbing … Read More

Healthy Diets Linked to Longer Life

· · Nutrition
People eating more foods from their choice of healthy eating patterns can reduce risk of early death by nearly 20 percent, according to Harvard researchers. Over a 36-year period, eating habits of nearly 120,000 men and women were used to determine whether they adhered to eating foods from four healthy … Read More

Ask the EN Experts April 2023

· · Nutrition
When asked about general nutrition tips, many registered dietitians will fall back on the importance of striving for a diet that includes many nutrient-rich foods. But what exactly does that mean? Nutrient-rich (or dense) foods are high in health-promoting vitamins and minerals while also being low in starches, sodium, sugars, … Read More

Tart Cherry Juice

· · Nutrition
Q: How do I add tart cherry juice to my daily regimen? A: As the name implies, tart cherry juice is extracted from common varieties of tart cherries (such as Montmorency and Balaton) which are believed to have higher antioxidant contents than sweet cherries, with potential to have stronger health … Read More

Spotlight on Supplements: Riboflavin

· · Nutrition
Do you remember when milk was stored only in clear glass bottles? Many manufactures now rely on opaque packaging that protects specific nutrients from light degradation. One of these nutrients is riboflavin. EN reviews the science behind this essential B vitamin. Background: Riboflavin, or vitamin B2, plays a key role … Read More

What are the Healthiest Cooking Oils?

· · Nutrition
The world of cooking oils has expanded so far beyond what used to be a limited selection of pale, tasteless oils, like corn and vegetable oil. Wonderful as it is to see today’s shelves filled with a vast variety of oils from walnut, avocado, and almond to sesame, olive, and … Read More

Restaurant Entrée Salads

· · Nutrition
Salads have a perception of health about them. Certainly, making a veggie-filled salad topped with lean protein sources at home is a nutrient-filled creation. However, you might be shocked to find out how many restaurant salads contain nearly a day’s worth of sodium or your day’s fill of saturated fat. … Read More

Much Ado about Mushrooms

· · Nutrition
Mushrooms have been consumed and used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks believed mushrooms provided strength for warriors in battle, and the Romans perceived them as “food of the Gods.” For centuries, the Chinese culture has treasured mushrooms as a health food, labeling them as an … Read More

Do You Need to Use a Hunger Scale?

· · Nutrition
Do you have a tendency to graze all day rather than eat real meals, perhaps mindlessly? Does it seem like you go from perfectly fine to hangry—hungry and angry—in the blink of an eye? Do you get wrapped up in a project, a book, or several episodes of your favorite … Read More

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