
A Guide to Good Choices

Flip over any food or drink package and you’ll see a Nutrition Facts label. This helpful little chart is required to provide data on the per-serving content of calories and nutrients that are important to health (see image). “By revealing the content of key nutrients, the nutrition facts label can … Read More

Check Your Nutrition Knowledge!

In 2024, we provided the latest evidence-based information on a wide variety of health and nutrition topics—from behavior change and physical activity to how to make dietary choices and changes that support your health and the health of the planet. Have you been paying attention? Give yourself one point for … Read More

Family Friendly Fish

Q: I’ve taken your advice to heart and want my family to eat more fish. Can you suggest a family friendly recipe? A: Judith C. Thalheimer, RD, LDN, executive editor of this newsletter, answers: “Fish and seafood are part of a heart-healthy dietary pattern. There are many varieties of fish … Read More

Quiz Answers

1. d (All of the above). The most common heart attack symptom in both women and men is discomfort in the center of the chest. Symptoms can also include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach. Shortness of breath may occur with or … Read More

Health-Promoting Reasons to Visit the Mediterranean

· · Nutrition
The Mediterranean Diet (Med Diet) is one of the most researched, well-known, and recommended dietary patterns worldwide. Consistently earning top rankings among diets, the Med Diet has become synonymous with healthy eating. The emphasis on eating mostly whole, nutrient-dense, primarily plant-based foods and limiting processed and refined foods, which tend … Read More

Negative Calories

· · Nutrition
Q: Can foods have negative calories? A: The concept of “negative calorie” foods suggests that certain foods require more energy to digest than they provide, resulting in a net calorie loss. While this idea is appealing for weight loss, it’s a bit of a myth. Certain low-calorie foods, such as … Read More

Benefits of Kefir?

· · Nutrition
Q: What is kefir and does it provide any health benefits? A: Kefir is a fermented dairy drink made by adding kefir grains—cultures of yeast and lactic acid bacteria—to milk. These grains ferment the milk, resulting in a tangy, slightly fizzy beverage with a texture similar to yogurt. Kefir can … Read More

Spotlight on Supplements: Acai

· · Nutrition
Overview. Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-EE) is a small, dark purplish berry, similar in appearance to blueberries, from the fruit of the acai palm tree, which is native to the tropical regions of Central and South America. While a relatively recent phenomenon in the U.S., acai berries have long been a food … Read More

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