
Making Time for Healthy Behaviors

One roadblock to adopting new, healthier, behaviors—like moving more and cooking healthy meals at home—is finding time to do them. “A new behavior may seem daunting because it’s unfamiliar,” says Nicole Ninteau, PhD, MPH, adjunct lecturer at the Friedman School, “but it may turn out to be easier than you … Read More

Know the Harms of Alcohol as You Age

· · Nutrition
A 2022 Gallup survey suggested that 54 percent of Americans ages 65 and older regularly drink alcohol. But while some research has suggested that alcohol may have health benefits if consumed in moderation (which generally is defined as no more than one drink per day), alcohol can be harmful for … Read More

Eco-Friendly Foods Lower Mortality Risk

· · Nutrition
Eating more environmentally friendly foods is associated with longer life compared to not eating these foods, according to research. Researchers used the Planetary Health Diet Index to create a diet score based on different foods’ effects on both health and the environment. They studied the connection between the scores and … Read More

Make it a Meatless Holiday

· · Nutrition
Looking to change up the holiday menu this year? Whether your table craves a fresh, new dish to wow the crowd or you’re hosting vegetarian or vegan guests, consider going meatless or serving up more plant-based dishes. Not to worry, this doesn’t have to mean bucking tradition. Most any dish … Read More

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