
Curbing Food Cravings

We need to eat. Our bodies cannot function without the calories, nutrients, and fluids foods provide. But there are many other reasons we eat. We may, for example, be stressed, tired, bored, or simply around tasty foods. Often, these non-physiological triggers involve cravings. “Hunger is the body’s way of telling … Read More

Making Healthy Eating Easy

Knowing how to make healthy dietary choices and actually doing it can be two different things. Creating new habits and patterns around shopping, cooking, and eating can help. We asked the nutrition experts on our Editorial Advisory Board how they help ensure healthy dietary choices for themselves and their families. … Read More

Multivitamins Alone Won’t Preserve Your Cognition

· · Nutrition
With varying results, scientists have continued to look for effective treatments that might halt or reverse the disease processes that underpin dementia. Preventing it in the first place would be preferable, so what if there was a readily available way to do that? You may have seen recent news reports … Read More

Supplements in the Spotlight

· · Nutrition
Studies suggest that nearly 90 percent of older adults in the United states take vitamin supplements even though only about one-quarter of those who do have been told they have a vitamin deficiency. For people who do have low levels of one or more vitamins, supplements can be a useful … Read More

Do Home Microbiome Tests Help Support Your Gut?

· · Nutrition
A growing number of home microbiome test kits come with big promises for what they will reveal about your gut microbiome and your health—and how to improve them. Over the past several years, these kits have been increasingly popular among consumers. But do they deliver on the promise? It’s so … Read More

Age and Nutrient Absorption

Q:  How does nutrient absorption change with age and what can we do about it? A:  Nutrient absorption can decrease with age due to factors like decreased production of stomach acid, changes in the gut microbiota, and reductions in intestinal motility. These changes can lead to deficiencies in vitamins and … Read More

Frozen Treats on a Stick

· · Nutrition
Cooling off with a refreshing frozen pop is delicious for people of all ages. For adults, it can be a little bit of nostalgia and for littles, it’s just pure fun! But as we grow up we need to start thinking about what’s inside those frozen bars and how it … Read More

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