Mobility & Fitness

Let’s Get Moving!

The benefits of physical activity are well-established. Not only can being physically active make you feel and perform better, but it can also reduce the risk of developing many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Every Little Bit Counts. The evidencebased recommendations … Read More

Stretching Feels Good and Does Good

· · Aging & Independence
Dogs and cats do it every morning, evening, and throughout the day because stretching is natural and necessary for wellbeing. Think about how good it feels to do a few stretches after spending hours on a plane or in front of the computer. Stretching can wake us up more fully, … Read More

A Prescription for Tai Chi?

· · Aging & Independence
Integrative medicine has been revolutionizing health care by seeking to empower people to actively participate in their healing journey. Integral to that journey is the use of mind-body practices such as yoga, tai chi, and qigong—all of which have numerous studies elucidating how they can help maintain health and enhance … Read More

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