Mobility & Fitness

1. Take The Aerobic Advantage

· · Mobility & Fitness
Aerobic fitness is a life-changing gift you can give yourself—one that affects every system of your body. The word “aerobic” means needing oxygen for activity, and aerobic exercise provides that oxygen. Aerobic fitness is also called cardiovascular fitness, which is measured two ways: 1) the amount of oxygen in blood … Read More


· · Mobility & Fitness
Chapter 1, Take the Aerobic Advantage, explains what aerobic fitness means and why it is so important to your health, quality of life, and longevity. The benefits extend far beyond cardiovascular health to weight, mobility, blood sugar levels, emotional health, and preventing or controlling diseases. This chapter will also tell … Read More

5. Getting Help

· · Mobility & Fitness
There are more health care providers, agencies, organizations, and resources than you might imagine who can help with balance and mobility problems. In this chapter you will find several user-friendly checklists. Make copies of the ones you think will be helpful in improving your balance, increasing your mobility, and decreasing … Read More

4. Preventing Falls

· · Mobility & Fitness
In spite of research, information, warnings, and scores of fall-prevention programs, the rate of falls remains dangerously high. The recommendations in this chapter come from health and safety organizations and institutions around the country. By implementing some or all of them, you can eliminate many of the physical obstacles that … Read More

3. Falls and Loss of Mobility—Underlying Causes

· · Mobility & Fitness
Many of these underlying conditions are familiar. Others are not as well known, but can be just as debilitating. Here’s the list, in the order they are discussed. Loss of hearing Diminished vision Cognitive disorders Balance disorders Geriatric dizziness Stroke Diabetes Peripheral neuropathy Orthopaedic injuries and procedures Osteoporosis Arthritis Diet … Read More

2. Easy Exercise Options

· · Mobility & Fitness
Regardless of your age or physical condition, you can improve your balance and increase your mobility. First, determine your strengths and weaknesses. A doctor, physical therapist, or other health care professional can help. Next, find a set of easy exercises (or a sample program like those in this chapter) that … Read More

1. The Balance-Mobility Connection

· · Mobility & Fitness
It might have been a simple misstep. You or someone you know tripped on a rug, stumbled over an object during the night, or missed the last step on a stairway. It could have been caused by not paying attention, a momentary dizzy spell, or, for some, a serious medical … Read More

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