Mobility & Fitness

Aging Gracefully with Yoga

· · Mobility & Fitness
Prioritizing physical health becomes increasingly important for maintaining independence, reducing the risk of injury, and promoting overall well-being as we age. Yoga offers an excellent way to improve strength, power, and flexibility, all while being gentle on the body. “Yoga reminds us to bend, so that we don’t break,” says … Read More

Staying Active in Foul Weather

If you typically stay active by walking, hiking, gardening, or engaging in other outdoor activities, don’t let bad weather slow you down! Limited daylight hours, extreme temperatures (hot or cold), wind, and precipitation can make outdoor activity unappealing, uncomfortable, and unsafe. Take advantage of the many options for indoor activities … Read More

The Power of Strength

· · Mobility & Fitness
If you’ve noticed it’s a bit harder to lift groceries, do chores around the house, or work in the garden, it may be time to focus on rebuilding your strength. “A natural part of aging is loss of muscle mass,” says Cindy Graham, PT, UCLA Rehabilitation Services. “It is estimated … Read More

Managing Lower Back Pain

· · Mobility & Fitness
Lower back pain (LBP) is one of the most frequent reasons people visit their doctors. “It is a chronic and often debilitating condition that is not always straightforward to diagnose or treat,” explains John Mafi, MD, UCLA Medical Center. “Unlike an infection, which typically has a clear cause, such as … Read More
assistive devices

Fall recovery

· · Mobility & Fitness
Q: I hope it never happens, but what should I do if I fall? A: One in four Americans ages 65 and older falls each year, so it’s wise to have a plan in place and to take specific steps to ensure your safety and health. First, try to stay … Read More

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