Mobility & Fitness

Ask the Doctor: September 2021

Q. I have seen ads for smartphone apps that offer mental health counseling. Is it a good idea to try therapy in this way? A. The rise of so-called “mobile therapy” has certainly encouraged more people to reach out for help. But what they are getting for their time and … Read More

Learning to Breathe and Live Better

· · Mobility & Fitness
Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is generally recommended for people with lung diseases who frequently have difficulty breathing, despite the daily use of medications. This includes people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, bronchitis, and lung cancer. PR is also helpful for recovered COVID patients with ongoing breathing challenges. While physical … Read More

Banish Belly Fat for Better Health

· · Mobility & Fitness
It’s normal to accumulate some fat around your middle as you get older, so you shouldn’t panic about a few extra inches. But don’t discount the potential health harms of abdominal fat either, even if your body mass index (BMI, a relation of height to weight) indicates that your overall … Read More

News Briefs: September 2021

· · Mobility & Fitness
Increased Exercise Levels May Counter Health Harms Caused by Poor Sleep Little or no exercise is associated with poor cardiovascular health, cognitive decline, and a host of other negative health consequences. The same is true for poor sleep. A recent study, not surprisingly, found that the combination of a sedentary … Read More

Create A Complete Exercise Program

· · Mobility & Fitness
You know that physical activity is a key element of a healthy lifestyle, but how much exercise do you need, and what types of exercise are most beneficial? “We prefer to use the exercise recommendations from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). They have a section for older adults … Read More

You Can Live Well with a Disability

· · Mobility & Fitness
Disability is by no means inevitable as you age—however, older adults are at greater risk of disability than their younger peers. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal that about 34 percent of people age 65 and older have at least one disability, with mobility and hearing … Read More

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