
8. Best Dietary Strategies

· · Memory
Fortunately, you can make great changes in your brain health with improvements in your diet and lifestyle. Just adding a walking routine and increasing your consumption of fruits and vegetables can be beneficial. You can become motivated and find support online, with another person, or a group, so it becomes … Read More

7. Combat Environmental Toxins

· · Memory
Although diet, lifestyle, and genetic makeup affect one’s risk for MCI and memory loss, environmental toxins are under scrutiny as a risk factor. One study found that 20 percent of people with a cognitive disorder had been exposed to chemicals at work or through another source. Studies also show that … Read More

6. Chronic Stress

· · Memory
Chronic stress is difficult for the average American to avoid, and its toll is evident. Stress-related disorders are skyrocketing, as are rates of memory loss, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and Alzheimer’s. Although eliminating stress is perhaps unrealistic, we can minimize the stress load and buffer damage caused by stress. Stress … Read More

4. Physiological Changes

· · Memory
Inflammation is a potent trigger for accelerated brain degeneration. When any part of the body becomes inflamed, tissue dies. Junk-food diets, high-sugar diets, chronic stress, and environmental toxins can degrade the blood-brain barrier (the barrier between the blood and the cerebrospinal fluid), so pathogens and chemicals can pass into the … Read More

5. Blood Sugar

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In the year 1750, the average amount of sugar consumed per person per year was four pounds. Today, the average American eats 150 to 170 pounds of sugar each year. It’s no wonder that the United States leads the world in obesity. The human body wasn’t designed to process sweets and … Read More

3. Stages of Dementia

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For a person with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), sometimes called “pre-dementia,” forgetfulness becomes a prominent part of life, not a minor distraction. MCI involves forgetting information that is normally remembered, such as the name of a close friend, the subject matter of a movie, or the score of the football … Read More

2. Natural Risk Factors

· · Memory
Memory loss results from the deterioration of the hippocampus, the area of the brain vital to memory formation. The hippocampus degrades with age, but it also is susceptible to many other factors, including chronic stress, blood sugar imbalances, and poor diet. Degeneration occurs when the neurons in the brain begin to … Read More

From The Medical Editor

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If you’re reading this report, it’s likely that you or a loved one is concerned about memory loss or preserving memory as you age. Your memory and cognitive function have a significant impact on your life. They affect your ability to work, play, and look after yourself. As we age, … Read More

1. Stages of Memory Loss

· · Memory
People joke about “senior moments,” those times when your brain goes blank mid-sentence, you forget your own phone number, or simple math becomes confusing. Perhaps you forget the names of friends, misplace things frequently, or rely on an extensive array of sticky notes, calendars, and lists to remember everyday activities. … Read More

From the Consulting Editor

· · Memory
After a series of disappointments in the fight to prevent dementia, a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) recently struck a more hopeful note. The experts said “modest data” supports three interventions that offer “inconclusive but encouraging” evidence that they help prevent cognitive decline. Notably, … Read More

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