
Taking Care of Your Brain

We all misplace things and forget words now and then Minor changes in memory and thinking (known as cognitive decline) are a normal part of aging. Changes in brain function that interfere with daily life, however, are more likely caused by pathological changes in the brain, such as narrowed or … Read More

Multivitamins Alone Won’t Preserve Your Cognition

· · Memory
With varying results, scientists have continued to look for effective treatments that might halt or reverse the disease processes that underpin dementia. Preventing it in the first place would be preferable, so what if there was a readily available way to do that? You may have seen recent news reports … Read More

Minimizing Dementia Caregiver Burnout

· · Memory
In the 1960s, the Peace Corps created a public service campaign with the slogan: “It’s the toughest job you’ll ever love”. The idea of an exotic community service adventure attracted many young people to sign up with the Peace Corps. Doing so changed many people’s lives. Being a dementia caregiver … Read More

Forgetting Things Fast

· · Memory
Q: Why do I often forget what I did (or didn’t do) a few minutes ago or even a few seconds ago? A: Do you mean did you lock the front door, put the garage door down, turn out thelight in the closet, etc.? On any given day, we do … Read More

What Is Meant by “Normal” Brain Aging?

· · Memory
Wrinkles, gray hair, and achy joints are among the expected and ob­vious signs of getting older. But with some financial investment and atten­tion, age-related changes in those areas can be managed or reduced—at least a little bit. But when it comes to the brain, the aging process can’t be viewed … Read More

MIND Diet May Help Slow Aging and Reduce Dementia Risk

· · Memory
A healthy diet has long been associated with a lower risk of dementia, but a recently published study helps shed some new light on the dementia-diet association. Many previous studies examining the relationship between diet and brain health focused on how certain nutrients support brain function, while deficiencies in those … Read More

Curved Walking May Reveal Early Signs of Cognitive Impairment

· · Memory
Your gait can sometimes reveal much about your physical and cognitive health. Slower or more erratic walking can often signal that cognitive impairment or even dementia is ahead, years before memory lapses or other thinking problems become obvious. Most gait observations that medical professionals use involve walking in a straight … Read More

Age When Memory Troubles Start

· · Memory
Q: Is there a typical age when memory problems usually begin? A: Memory difficulties or other changes in thinking skills can develop at any age, but it’s important to understand that for most peo­ple, these changes occur gradually over many years. Age 60 has often been identified as the age … Read More

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