

· · Memory
Q: Is there a connection between osteoporosis and dementia? A: Several studies in recent years have demonstrated an association between the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis and a greater risk of dementia, but the reasons for the connection aren’t entirely clear. For post-menopausal women, who represent the vast majority of osteoporosis cases … Read More

MGH Research Identifies 8 Social Factors That Affect Longevity

· · Memory
When you consider factors that affect longevity, you may first consider physical health issues, such as cardiovascular fitness, history of smoking, or even family medical history. And while those are all important considerations, certain social factors can also help forecast longevity. According to a study led by Massachusetts General Hospital … Read More

Ask the Doctor: Concussion

· · Memory
Q: Does having had a concussion mean I have had brain damage? A: A concussion is a brain injury that affects normal brain function, but usually the effects are temporary. Symptoms can include headaches and problems with memory, sleep, and attention, as well as heightened sensitivity to light or other … Read More

Ask the Doctor: Conversation Starters

· · Memory
Q: My father just turned 90, and while he’s still fairly sharp, it’s getting harder to know what to talk about with him. I don’t want to bring up sad subjects, and he seldom starts conversations on his own. Any suggestions? A: It can be difficult to start conversations with … Read More

Spotlight on Supplements: Choline

· · Memory
Choline is an essential nutrient—it’s necessary to maintain optimal health. Our bodies depend on choline for many functions, including regulation of memory, mood, liver, and muscle control. It’s needed to support cell structure and fat metabolism. The liver makes small amounts, but most must come from diet or dietary supplement. … Read More

Memory Problems Have Many Causes Besides Dementia

· · Memory
Do you stop talking mid-sentence because you can’t find the right word, or forget where you put your purse or glasses? Don’t worry; it’s probably not dementia—but there are a number of factors that can affect brain function. “When older adults notice memory lapses, they often think it could be … Read More

The Truth Behind Common Meditation Myths

· · Memory
Nearly 15 percent of U.S. adults practiced some form of meditation within the last year, nearly triple the estimates from a decade ago. Though there are many types of meditation, they are all essentially practices that focus on mind and body integration to calm the mind and boost well-being. Research … Read More

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