Heart Health

Address Your Stroke Risk

Many stroke survivors need some degree of special care for the rest of their lives, and stroke remains a leading cause of death in the United States. These facts mean it is vital to get informed about any stroke risk factors you have and address these. As noted in one … Read More

Dietary Counseling Helps After Serious Heart Issues

· · Heart Health
Diet is the leading contributor to premature cardiovascular disease-related death in the United States. Even so, a recent study suggests that fewer than one-quarter of people who suffer a major heart event receive dietary counseling in the aftermath. That’s a problem, according to Mount Sinai cardiologist Bruce Darrow, MD, PhD. … Read More

First Drug for Resistant Hypertension Approved

· · Heart Health
In March 2024, the FDA approved once-daily aprocitentan (brand name TRYVIO) for treating high blood pressure in adults who don’t respond well to other medications. About 10% of people with hypertension pressure cannot reach recommended levels even with existing treatments. Aprocitentan works by blocking endothelin, a substance that narrows blood … Read More
hemorrhagic stroke

Strokes in Young Adults

· · Heart Health
Q: I’ve read that more young adults are having strokes. Do we know why? A: While most strokes still occur in people ages 65 and older, an alarming trend has developed. The rate of strokes affecting people ages 18 to 45 has climbed higher than any other group recently. Some … Read More

Heart Attack 101

Over 800,000 people experience heart attacks every year in the United States. That’s about one every 40 seconds. It’s important to recognize the signs of a heart attack—and equally important to take steps to prevent one in the first place. Blocked Blood Flow. When the heart contracts, it pushes blood … Read More

The Power of Phytonutrients

In the world of nutrition, much attention is given to macronutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, fats, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. However, an equally important group of compounds called phytonutrients (or phytochemicals) plays a crucial role in promoting health and preventing disease. These naturally occurring substances, found predominantly in … Read More

Better Sleep Associated with Lower Levels of Loneliness

· · Heart Health
Sleep quality and quantity are associated with many aspects of health, including better brain function, blood pressure management, more energy, a stronger immune system, and much more. A study published recently in the journal SLEEP sug­gests that better sleep also helps combat feelings of loneli­ness. In a study of 2,297 … Read More

Potential Anesthesia Side Effects

· · Heart Health
Older adults are more at risk for side effects from anesthesia for numerous reasons. “With age comes many physiological changes that affect how a person responds to medications and the stress of surgery,” explains Cecilia Canales, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at … Read More

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