Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat

The Latest in Hearing Aid Technology

· · Aging & Independence
Technological advancements have vastly improved hearing aids. Sound processing is more like natural hearing, the aids are more comfortable, and there are advanced features, such as ear-to-ear coordination and Bluetooth. Ear-to-ear means that the hearing aids “talk” to each other for better spatial awareness. It’s increasingly standard in newer hearing … Read More

Ask Dr. Etingin: Causes of blurry vision; Insomnia and coronary heart disease

What causes blurry vision? Blurry vision can be caused by what ophthalmologists call a “refractive error,” which occurs when the shape of the eye prevents light from focusing directly on the retina. Common refractive errors include nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. Another common cause of blurry vision is presbyopia, an age-related … Read More

Stay Safe and Active with Low Vision

· · Aging & Independence
The term “low vision” is defined as a visual impairment that cannot be restored with corrective devices, medical therapy, or surgical treatment. You may have low vision as a result of age-related changes or a specific eye condition; whatever the cause, there are resources available that can help you continue … Read More

See Better With Low-Vision Solutions

· · Aging & Independence
About 4 million older adults are believed to have low vision—vision impairment that can’t be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. For people who have the condition, low vision may affect every aspect of daily living. However, there are strategies that can help you take full advantage of the sight … Read More

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