
Get Your Sweet on the Natural (Sugar-Free) Way

· · Diabetes
A craving for a little something sweet used to be affectionately described as a “sweet tooth,” and satisfied with the occasional treat. These days, the average American takes in an estimated 17 teaspoons of added sugar each day, which adds up to 57 pounds each year! Globally, sugar overconsumption has … Read More

Celebrate the Season with Cinnamon

· · Diabetes
The Folklore. Cinnamon drifts in with the season, warming the senses and marking the holiday season with its fragrant, festive flair. One of the oldest spices known, cinnamon has been coveted as a medicine, flavoring, embalming agent, and preservative. So common to households today, it was once quite rare and … Read More

Manage Diabetes To Prevent Severe Health Consequences

· · Diabetes
It’s not an exaggeration to say diabetes is rampant: About 37.3 million people living in the United States had diabetes in 2019, and another 96 million had prediabetes (a condition in which your blood glucose level is higher than normal but not high enough to qualify as diabetes), according to … Read More

Frontline: Type 2 Diabetes; Breast Screenings; Hip Fracture

· · Diabetes
Lifestyle Changes Can Put Type 2 Diabetes Into Partial or Full Remission For people with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes, following a Mediterranean-style diet (an emphasis on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, and fish, and little or no processed foods, meats, or sweets) and regular physical exercise was associated with … Read More

Ask the Experts: October 2022

· · Diabetes
Q: What is metabolic syndrome? A: Metabolic syndrome is a combination of risk factors that greatly multiply your chances for heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. It is diagnosed when you have three or more of the following conditions: abdominal obesity (waist circumference 40 inches or greater [men] or 35 inches … Read More

Nutrition Security

· · Diabetes
The majority of Americans do not meet the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and this puts them at elevated risk for numerous diet-related chronic diseases. Public policy has an important role to play in making sure everyone in the U.S. has access to nutritious, safe, affordable food to … Read More

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