
Just In: Fruit, Veg Intake May Lower Diabetes Risk

· · Diabetes
Adding even a modest amount—as little as one-third of a cup—of fruits and vegetables daily could reduce risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 25 percent, according to European researchers. The study, which compared nearly 10,000 adults with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes to nearly 14,000 diabetes-free adults, found a … Read More

Are You at Increased Risk of Stroke?

· · Diabetes
You need to know if your stroke risk is high for two main reasons. First, you can take preventive measures by making choices that will lower your risk. Second, it will increase your vigilance to watch for common stroke symptoms and to get to the hospital right away if you … Read More

Newsbriefs: Lower Risk of AD; Diabetes Risk; Adult Acne; Heart Disease Risk; Arthritis Risk; Lower Blood Pressure

· · Diabetes
A Healthy Lifestyle May Lower Risk of AD Living a healthy lifestyle—consisting of not smoking, being moderately to vigorously physically active, drinking only light amounts of alcohol, following the Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay (MIND) diet, and keeping your brain active in later years—directly lowers Alzheimer’s disease risk, according to … Read More

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