
Recognize and Treat Depression

· · Depression
According to Mental Health America, more than 2 million adults ages 65 and older suffer from depression. Other estimates have put the number as high as 7 million. Many of them have experienced periods of depression throughout their lives, while for others, depression has set in late. If you are … Read More

Licensed Clinical Social Workers

· · Depression
Q: My niece is getting counseling from a licensed clinical social worker rather than a psychologist or other type of therapist. Is it common for social workers to offer mental health counseling? A: Clinical social work is a specialty area of social work. A licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) is … Read More

Resistance Exercises as Treatment for Mental Health Issues

· · Depression
A new study highlights the potential of resistance exercise training as an alternative therapy for anxiety and depression, suggesting it could match the benefits of established therapies while also enhancing other health aspects. Published in the journal Trends in Molecular Medicine, the research emphasizes the underexplored role of resistance exercise … Read More

Spotlight on Supplements: Kava

Overview. Kava is a compound (extracted from a plant member of the pepper family called Piper methysticum) native to islands of the western Pacific. The root of the plant is emulsified into a beverage or it can be dried and incorporated into dietary supplement form. Kava may also be called … Read More

There’s Something About Sauerkraut

· · Depression
The Folklore. “Sauerkraut” is simply the German word for sour cabbage. Although sauerkraut is considered to be a national dish of Germany, and has been a staple of the German diet since the 1600s, it didn’t originate in Germany. It is believed to have originated in China and was then … Read More

How to Recognize and Respond to a Panic Attack

· · Depression
Your heart starts racing. You’re having trouble catching your breath. Something seems very wrong. When these sensations come on suddenly, you might first think you’re having a heart attack. But for millions of people, those are symp­toms of a panic attack, an event experienced by about one in 10 adults … Read More

Resistance to New Experiences

· · Depression
Q: I have noticed my mother, who is in her early 80s, becoming noticeably less interested in trying new things or breaking with her daily routine. Is this normal or is there something else going on? A: As people get older, they can feel they have less control in their … Read More

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