
5. Treatment Strategies

· · Depression
If you are depressed, don’t let feelings of hopelessness or the stigma of the condition prevent you from getting the help you need. Know that it is possible to manage depression and return to a greater quality of life. For many people, treatment is a combination approach that may include … Read More

4. Diagnosing Depression

· · Depression
Because depression is such a complex disease, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to diagnosing it. How your health-care professional goes about evaluating you for depression will depend on a multitude of factors, such as whether you have any other illnesses, what medications you may be taking, whether you are experiencing … Read More

3. Depression Is Personal

· · Depression
By now, it should be clear that depression affects everyone differently. Even when underlying symptoms are similar, everyone expresses these symptoms and deals with them in their own way. For instance, people who have never had the ability to feel pleasure (anhedonia) in their lives, or at least cannot recall … Read More

2. Types, Symptoms, and Risk Factors

· · Depression
Depression is a very complex condition that manifests in a multitude of ways. Though there are similarities among the different types, each person’s experience can be quite unique. To better understand exactly what is happening with each person identified as being “depressed” and to help direct treatment, experts have broken … Read More

1. A Brain and Mood Disorder

· · Depression
Depression is a complex condition that can have multiple effects on your mental and physical health. It is so much more than just feeling bad or “down in the dumps.” It is a condition with many causes, many of which are still poorly understood. Similarly, it has many treatments, each … Read More

From The Medical Editor

· · Depression
Described in ancient scriptures and by early physicians like Hippocrates, depression has long been understood to be one of the most common maladies of the human condition. It is also recognized by the World Health Organization as a leading cause of disability worldwide. With its pervasive effects on mood, motivation, … Read More

Let Food Be Thy Antidepressant

· · Depression
Americans are increasingly turning to the advice to “make food thy medicine” for a wide variety of ailments. Clear evidence supports the diet-health link for some conditions—like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity—but the effects of diet on depression are less well established. Several new studies suggest that some specific dietary … Read More

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