
Lung Cancer Screening

· · Cancer
Q: I’m a former smoker. Should I be screened for lung cancer? A: That depends on your smoking history. Most primary care doctors and other clinicians reference U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations to guide them in selecting preventive care, such as cancer screenings. The USPSTF is a nongovernmental … Read More

Prostate Cancer a Low-Risk Disease for Most Older Men

· · Cancer
If you are told you have cancer, your first inclination may be to get the tumor surgically removed. But with prostate cancer, this isn’t necessarily the best treatment approach. That’s because prostate cancer typically does not progress rapidly enough to cause symptoms in an older man’s lifetime. With this in … Read More

Spotlight on Supplements: Vitamin B12

· · Cancer
Overview. Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a key role in metabolism and energy production within our cells. So, in a way, vitamin B12 does give us energy by enabling us to create energy in the cell, while also supporting other vital functions. Special … Read More

Onions—Worth the Cry!

· · Cancer
The Folklore. No pantry is complete without onions. Eaten and cultivated since prehistoric times, onions are integral to most every cuisine in the world. In addition to its tear-jerking effect on the eyes and pungency to the palate, onions have a many layered history. The Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks believed … Read More

Eat Edamame!

The Folklore. Soybeans originated in Southeast Asia and were first cultivated by the Chinese as early as 1100 BC. It didn’t take long for the world to catch on to this versatile crop used for everything from animal feed, automobile production and, of course, culinary ingredient. Soy sauce, tofu and … Read More

What is Selenium?

Selenium is a trace mineral found naturally in the soil, water, and in certain (mostly whole) foods, including Brazil nuts, tuna, and eggs. An essential mineral, our bodies need selenium to properly function. Because our bodies do not make selenium, we must get it through diet. Though we only need … Read More

Health Benefits of Pumpkin

Pumpkins mark the upcoming fall season with decorative flair on front porches and tabletops as well as in our favorite fall flavors—pumpkin spice has quite a following! It’s boosted pumpkin’s pizazz beyond pies and lattes to hummus, pasta, and even facial scrubs. The most popular winter squash—pumpkin and pumpkin seeds—has … Read More

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