
The Revolution of CAR-T Immunotherapy for Cancer

· · Cancer
CAR-T therapy, short for Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell therapy, represents a revolutionary development in cancer treatment, particularly for certain types of blood cancers, like leukemia and lymphoma. Early efforts focused on understanding how T-cells, a type of white blood cell, could be engineered to target cancer cells. The foundational idea … Read More

Newsbites: Heart-healthy lifestyle; plant over animal fats; meat and type 2 diabetes

Heart-Healthy Lifestyle Associated with Lower Cancer Risk Taking care of your cardiovascular health may lower your cancer risk, even if you have a genetic predisposition to certain cancers. A prospective cohort study looked at data on 277,000 participants. Researchers created a cardiovascular health score for each participant by comparing reported … Read More

Frontline: Cervical cancer; Beetroot juice and heart health; Body fat and muscle strength

· · Cancer
Simpler Screening Detects More Cervical Cancer, Precancerous Lesions Scientists have developed a new, more effective cervical cancer screening method. The WID-qCIN test detects epigenetic changes in cells, significantly improving early cancer detection. Epigenetic changes in cells refer to alterations that can be influenced by factors such as environment, lifestyle, and … Read More

Research Round Up October 2024

· · Cancer
• Med Diet May Help Cancer Patients Live Longer. Close adherence to a Mediterranean diet pattern of eating can help cancer survivors live longer and have lower risk of heart-related death, according to an Italian study. Researchers, having tracked 800 adult cancer patients, who provided detailed information on their eating … Read More

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