Aging & Independence

Research Round Up: March 2022

· · Aging & Independence
Lower Meds for Vegan Seniors. Consuming a vegan diet could lessen the number of prescribed medications needed by seniors, researchers say. The study included more than 300 participants aged 60 and older, taking five or more prescribed medications. Those on a vegan diet reduced the number of pills prescribed by … Read More

Boost Your Bladder Control

· · Aging & Independence
Do you find that you often don’t make it to the bathroom on time, or that you “leak” a little when you sneeze, cough, or laugh? You’re not alone—urinary incontinence is a common problem for older adults, with women particularly vulnerable. “The percentage of women with significant symptoms increases with … Read More

Staying Well in Cold Weather

· · Aging & Independence
If you live in a region where the winters are brutal, it’s vital to take steps to protect yourself against the cold. Falling temperatures can be particularly hazardous for older adults because they raise the risk of hypothermia, particularly if the mercury drops below zero multiple days in a row. … Read More

Stay Safe While Staying Warm

In this month’s issue we’re looking at the impact cold weather can have on older adults. It’s vital that your home is adequately heated during the winter, since you are at risk of developing hypothermia if the ambient temperature falls below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, particularly if you aren’t mobile. But … Read More

Maintain Your Motivation to Exercise

· · Aging & Independence
It’s an exciting new year, and you boldly declare that you are totally determined to do it this time: make exercise a regular part of your life. If you’re like most people, you start out strong, but by the time February rolls around, that determination fades. Other priorities take precedence; … Read More

Caregivers Ride an Emotional Rollercoaster When a Loved One Has Dementia

· · Aging & Independence
[caption id="attachment_139914" align="alignleft" width="190"] Caregiving for a parent or spouse with dementia can be agonizing, frustrating, fulfilling, and much more. While it’s important for the individual in cognitive decline to receive appropriate help, the caregiver must also recognize the need for emotional support, too.[/caption] A diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment … Read More

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