Aging & Independence

Light Up Your Life and Your Health with Music

· · Aging & Independence
Music has the power to soothe, entertain, and potentially inspire healing, no matter your age or health status. Both anecdotal evidence and scientific studies relate its profound effects on well-being. Though not always a replacement for medication, it can be a worthwhile first choice or an adjunct option when trying … Read More

Take Stock of Your Lifestyle Risk and Protective Factors for Dementia

· · Aging & Independence
[caption id="attachment_140982" align="alignright" width="200"] Socializing with loved ones and healthy eating are among the protective lifestyle behaviors associated with better brain function and a lower risk of dementia. © shironosov | Getty Images[/caption] Concerns about ­memory loss are always among the top health fears of older adults, despite the reality … Read More

Ask the Doctor: April 2022

I want to stay in my home for as long as possible. What can I do to help ensure that can happen? The pandemic highlighted the fact that it’s impossible to protect oneself from all illnesses and mishaps in life, but there certainly are actions you can take to help … Read More

The Consequences of Poor Posture

· · Aging & Independence
How you hold yourself (i.e., your posture) can either align or misalign your musculoskeletal system, potentially leading to all kinds of health problems. For example, slouching will eventually make itself known as neck and back pain, and in later years can cause hunchback (kyphosis). People who slouch also tend to … Read More

Who Cares?

About 34 percent of caregivers are ages 65 and older, according to the National Alliance for Caregiving. Many of these individuals are caring for relatives who have dementia. In this month’s issue, we’re looking at practical strategies for managing the cognitive and behavioral symptoms that accompany dementia. But if you … Read More

Research Round Up April 2022

· · Aging & Independence
• Ultra-Processed Foods Linked to Higher Death Risk. People who have had a heart attack or stroke who also have high intake of ultra-processed foods (UPF) have an increased risk of a second (and more likely fatal) heart attack or stroke, according to Italian researchers. UPF foods are made in … Read More

On Purpose…

A recent study found that having a sense of purpose protects against loneliness and also may incentivize older adults when it comes to engaging in behaviors that can protect against COVID-19. It’s not the first study to suggest that purpose is associated with psychological well-being and increased protective heath behaviors. … Read More

Protect Yourself From Pneumonia

· · Aging & Independence
You may have had your flu shot when these became available in late 2021, but if you haven’t yet been vaccinated against pneumonia make an appointment to discuss the options with your doctor. Getting vaccinated is one of the best ways you can protect yourself from pneumonia. “Pneumonia often is … Read More

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