Aging & Independence

Virtual Reality Comes of Age

· · Aging & Independence
Virtual reality (VR) and video gaming are typically associated with young people racing fast cars and slaying zombies. But some researchers and businesses have turned their attention to developing VR exclusively for older adults. From exotic armchair traveling to opera performances to physical therapy, VR’s expansion into the senior market … Read More

Healthy Diets Linked to Longer Life

· · Aging & Independence
People eating more foods from their choice of healthy eating patterns can reduce risk of early death by nearly 20 percent, according to Harvard researchers. Over a 36-year period, eating habits of nearly 120,000 men and women were used to determine whether they adhered to eating foods from four healthy … Read More

Overcome Loneliness and Isolation to Preserve Memory and Forge a Brighter Outlook

· · Aging & Independence
The social isolation associated with the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a range of health consequences, including increased rates of anxiety and depression, skipped doctor’s appointments and delayed medical tests and procedures, as well as an uptick in self-reported complaints of fuzzy thinking and cognitive impairment. Likewise, many studies in … Read More

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