Aging & Independence

What’s the Right Medical Care for You?

· · Aging & Independence
As you get older, your health-care priorities change, particularly if you develop chronic diseases that cause bothersome symptoms and require specialized treatment. You can best ensure that your medical care focuses on what is important to you by identifying your priorities and sharing them with your family and health-care providers. … Read More

Mortality Risks of Major Surgery for Older Adults

· · Aging & Independence
Yale researchers found striking differences in the mortality rate of older Americans (mean age 79.2) within a year of having major surgery. These differences were particularly pronounced for geriatric-specific conditions such as frailty or dementia. According to lead author Thomas M. Gill, MD, Professor of Geriatric Medicine at Yale, “…  … Read More

Preserve Your Independence

· · Aging & Independence
Do you ever wish there was some easier way to put your socks on or get that darn lid off the jar? The good news is that there are many assistive devices that can make these and other tasks of daily living easier. “My mother had a stroke, which made … Read More

Cope with and Overcome Family Estrangement

· · Aging & Independence
The arrival of summer heralds for many a season of family reunions and vacations, or even backyard barbecue get-togethers between parents, their grown children, and maybe a grandchild or two. And yet many families are denied these simple pleasures because of estrangement, a dynamic that affects about one out of … Read More

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