
A Valentine to Your Heart

· · Heart Health
Hearts play a starring role in February, from Valentine’s Day to National Heart Month—an annual campaign that reminds people to prioritize the health of the organ that sustains life. This is a message women need to take to heart. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women, and … Read More

Screening Is Central to Colorectal Cancer Prevention

· · Heart Health
Many women mistakenly think of colon cancer as primarily a men’s health issue, which may explain why women often delay or skip screening altogether. However, colon cancer doesn’t discriminate—it’s the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths for both women and men. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention … Read More


· · Heart Health
Q: My big toe hurts. Is it possible that I have gout? Isn’t gout a man’s condition? A: While gout has a “man’s disease” reputation, many women experience it, especially after age 50. Gout is a form of arthritis caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood, which … Read More

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