
Hearing Aids Extend Longevity

· · Aging & Independence
A recent study featured in The Lancet Healthy Longevity suggests that wearing hearing aids can be crucial for those who need them but aren’t using them. Lead researcher Janet Choi, MD, MPH, an otolaryngologist at Keck Medicine, reveals that adults with hearing loss who consistently wear hearing aids lower their … Read More

Look Beyond the Scale

When you embark on food and lifestyle changes with health in mind, what defines “success?” For many people, weight loss is the primary marker of change they focus on when they are trying to eat better and exercise consistently. But weight change is only one possible outcome of improvements to … Read More

News Briefs February 2024

· · Aging & Independence
Cutting a Teaspoon of Salt Per Day Significantly Lowers Blood Pressure An antihypertensive medication is usually the first-line treatment for high blood pressure. However, you may be able to achieve similar blood pressure-lowering results with a simple change in your diet, according to a small study published online recently by … Read More

10 Terrific Natural Diuretics

Natural diuretic foods and drinks stimulate your kidneys to produce more urine, unloading excessive fluid and salt. Although they vary greatly in effectiveness, these foods and drinks allow you to take in healthy nutrients rather than prescription medications (“water pills”). You may be retaining too much fluid if there is … Read More

Does Your Cookware Need an Overhaul?

· · Aging & Independence
Choosing foods that support optimal health is important, but so is the cookware we us to prepare it. There are many cookware options, and our kitchens are likely stocked with an assortment of materials of varying age and condition, from stainless steel and ceramic, to non-stick and glass. Some materials … Read More

Black-Eyed Peas, Please!

· · Aging & Independence
The Folklore. Serving up black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day is said to bring good luck all year long. Tradition calls for the slow-cooked comfort of a pot of Hoppin’ John, the Southern soul food dish of black-eyed peas, collard or mustard greens, and rice. But there are many more … Read More

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