Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat


Sniff Out the Cause of Your Sinusitis

It’s cold season, and your nasal passages and sinuses feel like they’ve been clogged with cement. You have the runny nose, congestion, and pain of sinusitis, and it seems like it’s been eons since you could breathe freely. With the help of simple remedies, sinusitis usually relents within a week … Read More
why do I have blurry vision

Why Is My Vision Blurry?

Blurry vision is a classic “nonspecific” symptom that people report to their doctors—like “I feel tired all the time.” Whether it’s blurry seeing or feeling fatigued, the possible reasons are many and occasionally unusual, from poisoning to concussion. Regardless of cause, however, most people just want to know, "Why is … Read More
what is astigmatism

What Is Astigmatism?

The simple answer to “what is astigmatism” is it’s changes in the eye that distort vision. It is one of the most common abnormalities, called refractive errors, that affect the way the eye bends, or refracts, light to form images on the retina. As a result of astigmatism, objects you … Read More
natural dry eye treatment

4 Strategies for Natural Dry Eye Treatment

Did you know Oct. 12, 2017 is World Sight Day? The event is designed to attract global attention to blindness prevention, vision impairment, and other eyesight issues. One increasingly common ailment that now affects more than 25 million Americans: dry eye syndrome. Stinging eyes, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, and … Read More

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