
Are Your Sleep Habits Affecting Your Weight?

· · Heart Health
About one in three adults in the United States report routinely not getting enough sleep. Sleep insufficiency is associated with increased risk for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, mental health problems, injuries, loss of productivity, and death. It also appears to be associated with increased risk for obesity, especially in children. Fortunately, … Read More

Are Lifestyle Choices Interfering with Your Sleep?

· · Heart Health
[caption id="attachment_141562" align="alignleft" width="300"] © Valeriy_G | Getty ImagesSleep medicine specialists can help you get more restful sleep.[/caption] Do you have trouble falling or staying asleep? Do you toss and turn throughout the night? At a certain age, sleep certainly can become more challenging for many people. But no matter … Read More

Research Roundup May 2022

· · Heart Health
Foods Linked to Quality Sleep. Diets higher in complex carbohydrates, protein, fiber, fruits, vegetables, and anti-inflammatory nutrients, and lower in saturated fat were associated with better sleep quality, according to a review of 20 studies from 1975 to 2021. Diets high or very high in refined carbohydrates and sugar were … Read More

Tossing and Turning at Night?

· · Heart Health
In the stillness of the night when you are sleeping soundly, lots of pro-health activity is taking place. Sleep reduces inflammation, replenishes energy, and keeps the heart healthy and the immune system strong. In general, most people need seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. A short nap … Read More

Frontline: High blood pressure; heart failure; poor sleep

· · Heart Health
Yogurt May Combat High Blood Pressure Regularly consuming yogurt may help fight hypertension, according to research published in the November 2021 International Dairy Journal. Study participants were 915 community-dwelling adults who completed a food frequency questionnaire. Participants who had high blood pressure and habitually consumed yogurt experienced reductions in systolic … Read More

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