
Why Sleep Is So Important

· · Sleep
Sleep is often thought of as a passive activity and a time of rest, but during sleep, your brain is very active. Getting quality sleep is vital for brain health, metabolism, and even cardiovascular health. Sleeping at least 7 hours a night contributes to our sense of well-being and our … Read More

Learn About Social Jetlag

We’ve all felt the funk of trying to recover from jetlag after crossing different time zones, but what about recuperating from a late-to-bed and late-to-rise weekend? These swings in sleep patterns can negatively impact health. What is Social Jetlag? Social jetlag is a term that describes the difference between the … Read More

News Briefs: Sleep Irregularity May Raise Cardiovascular Disease Risk

· · Sleep
Chronically disrupted sleep and highly variable sleep durations—a condition collectively known as sleep irregularity—may increase the risk for atherosclerosis, the narrowing of arteries and the main cause of cardiovascular disease. In a study involving researchers from Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, and other institutions, … Read More

Ask the Doctor: Summer Seasonal Affective Disorder

· · Sleep
Q: I know seasonal affective disorder causes depressive symptoms in winter, but is there a similar condition in summer? A: Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that usually starts in late fall and lasts through the winter. It tends to bring on feelings of sadness and lethargy. … Read More

Ask the EN Experts May 2023

As we are nearly half-way into 2023, it may be a good time to take stock. If you are someone who made a goal related to your overall health or weight, how’s it going for you? For many people, sluggish results on the scale can leave people feeling underwhelmed and … Read More

Sleep Stealer: Restless Legs Syndrome

· · Sleep
Do you feel uncomfortable itchy, tingly, or creepy-crawly sensations in your legs and feet along with the uncontrollable urge to move as you try to fall asleep at night? If so, these are hallmark symptoms of restless legs syndrome (RLS). The exact cause of RLS remains uncertain, although experts suspect … Read More

Ask Tufts Experts: Defining Cardiovascular Disease Terms; Melatonin Supplements

· · Sleep
I’m confused about the terms “heart disease,” “cardiovascular disease,” and “coronary artery disease.” Are these all the same? Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, DrPH, a cardiologist, dean of policy at the Friedman School, and editor-in-chief of this newsletter, answers. “These terms can certainly be confusing. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the umbrella term … Read More

Tart Cherry Juice

· · Sleep
Q: How do I add tart cherry juice to my daily regimen? A: As the name implies, tart cherry juice is extracted from common varieties of tart cherries (such as Montmorency and Balaton) which are believed to have higher antioxidant contents than sweet cherries, with potential to have stronger health … Read More

Optimizing Sleep

· · Sleep
Sleep has a major impact on health. Not getting enough quality sleep is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and overweight and obesity. It may also contribute to depression, moodiness, memory problems, learning difficulties, and decreased alertness and reaction time that can lead … Read More

Perils of Delayed OSA Diagnosis

· · Sleep
People who have the common sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are more likely to develop a number of serious health conditions. For example, a 2021 study suggested that people with OSA were more at risk for COVID-19 infection as well as more severe disease outcomes. This conclusion … Read More

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