
Get Your Sweet on the Natural (Sugar-Free) Way

· · Nutrition
A craving for a little something sweet used to be affectionately described as a “sweet tooth,” and satisfied with the occasional treat. These days, the average American takes in an estimated 17 teaspoons of added sugar each day, which adds up to 57 pounds each year! Globally, sugar overconsumption has … Read More

Celebrate the Season with Cinnamon

· · Nutrition
The Folklore. Cinnamon drifts in with the season, warming the senses and marking the holiday season with its fragrant, festive flair. One of the oldest spices known, cinnamon has been coveted as a medicine, flavoring, embalming agent, and preservative. So common to households today, it was once quite rare and … Read More

Research Roundup January 2023

· · Nutrition
• Eat Your Way to a Healthy Brain. Eating a healthier diet, like Mediterranean-style, is associated with stronger cognitive function, while diets higher in sugar were associated with poorer cognitive function, according to researchers. The study, which included cognitive function scores from different racial and ethnic groups, found six metabolites … Read More

Check Your Nutrition Knowledge!

· · Nutrition
In 2022, we provided the latest evidence-based information on a wide variety of health and nutrition topics—from ways to support heart, brain, and gastrointestinal health to stress relief, supplements, and label-reading saavy. Have you been paying attention? Jot down your answers to the questions below, check them against the answer … Read More

Ask Tufts Experts: Elimination diets; Fish oil and heart arrythmia

· · Nutrition
What is an elimination diet? Can it be used for weight loss? Alicia Romano, MS, RD, CSNC, a registered dietitian/nutritionist with the Frances Stern Nutrition Center who specializes in gastrointestinal diseases and food allergies, answers: “I’m glad you asked this question! Elimination diets are sometimes used as diagnostic or treatment … Read More

Healthy Foods = Healthy Planet

· · Nutrition
Healthier, more nutritious foods are better for the planet, according to UK researchers. More than 57,000 food products made up of multiple ingredients sold in supermarkets in the UK and Ireland were rated with an environmental impact score that considered several factors, such as greenhouse gas emissions and land use. … Read More

Research Roundup December 2022

· · Nutrition
• Sugary Drinks Linked with IBD Risk. Drinking sugar-sweetened beverages may increase risk for inflammatory bowel disorders more than drinking artificially sweetened beverages or natural juices, researchers say. More than 121,000 IBD-free participants who were IBD-free at the outset of the study, completed repeat 24-hour diet recalls between 2009 and … Read More

Three Cheers for Chestnuts!

· · Nutrition
The Folklore. Chestnuts are here, and just in time for the holidays! Whether roasting over an open fire or warming cold hands on a wintry walk, chestnuts capture the spirit and tradition of the season. Grown as early as 2,000 B.C. in North America, Europe, and Asia, the chestnut is … Read More

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