
Dark Chocolate

· · Nutrition
The Folklore. What better time of year to treat your Valentine (and yourself!) to the ultimate gift that’s both from and maybe even for the heart—dark chocolate. Dating back to 2000 BC, long before it represented romance and indulgence, the Mayans enjoyed it as a fermented drink mixed with spices … Read More

Sweet Treats

· · Nutrition
Healthy eating is not a black and white issue. It’s shades of gray—and sweets are definitely in the gray area. It’s true, sugary-filled treats shouldn’t be a major part of your diet. However, there’s also no reason why they need to be banned entirely. In fact, for many, swearing off … Read More

The Psychology of Food Choices

· · Nutrition
A salad or a cheeseburger? A fruit bowl or chocolate cake? A milkshake or a diet soda? There are many factors that determine which food you would choose, and the decision-making process is far more complicated than many of us even realize. Some food choices are deliberate, while others are … Read More

Spotlight on Supplements: Lutein

· · Nutrition
Did your parents ever tell you, “Eat your veggies, they’re good for your eyes”? My mother did. While not all the nutrition advice I received as a child was deeply rooted in science, there may be some truth to this one. EN looks to lutein, a carotenoid pigment, for its … Read More

The Dangers of Yo-Yo Dieting

· · Nutrition
What is Yo-Yo Dieting? Like a yo-yo repeatedly moving up and down, “yo-yo dieting,” also known as the yo-yo effect or weight cycling, describes the up-and-down cyclical pattern of losing weight, gaining it back, then dieting to lose it again. The term was coined in the 1980s by Kelly Brownell … Read More

What is Selenium?

· · Nutrition
Selenium is a trace mineral found naturally in the soil, water, and in certain (mostly whole) foods, including Brazil nuts, tuna, and eggs (see Selenium-Rich Foods). An essential mineral, our bodies need selenium to properly function. Because our bodies do not make selenium, we must get it through diet. Though … Read More

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