
Frontline: LDL cholesterol; urinary incontinence; healthy eating and mortality risk

· · Nutrition
Supplements Don’t Reduce LDL Cholesterol—Statins Do If you’re looking to improve cholesterol levels, count on statins, not supplements. The Supplements, Placebo or Rosuvastatin Study (SPORT) trial reported that for people at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, preventive low-dose statin therapy was the only treatment that lowered LDL (“bad”) cholesterol more … Read More

Add Seeds to Your Diet to Boost Protein and Fiber

· · Nutrition
When you think about healthy foods, seeds probably aren’t the first things that come to mind, but they’re packed with important nutrients. Seeds provide protein that your body needs for muscle maintenance and growth, healthy bones, and production of enzymes and hormones. Nutrition experts recommend consuming a majority of plant-based … Read More

Fire Up the Dragon Fruit

· · Nutrition
The Folklore. Fortunately, the dragon fruit’s only shared trait with its fierce, fire-breathing namesake, is its wild appearance. This bright red or yellow fruit with leathery skin and green scale-like spikes surrounds a mildly sweet and beautiful pink or white flesh. This tropical cactus fruit traces back to Central and … Read More

Nutrition Myths, Busted

· · Nutrition
Nutrition is a hotly contested topic. Scrolling through social media, reading your favorite food blogs, and listening to podcasts exposes you to endless information about nutrition and health—much of which is a little suspect, to say the least. Myths that were previously passed through word-of-mouth now spread like wildfire through … Read More

Hyper-Palatable Foods Linked to Overeating

· · Nutrition
Eating hyper-palatable foods (foods with a certain hard-to-resist combination of fat, salt, sugar and/or carbohydrates) is one of three factors associated with overeating, according to researchers. In the study, 2,733 meals from four different dietary patterns were rated on how energy density (calories), hyper-palatability, protein content, and how quickly meals … Read More

Starting a Food Diary

Q: How can I get started with keeping a food diary? A: Dietitians and other practitioners regularly encourage patients to utilize a very simple, yet often very effective, tool in their path towards their individual health goals—keeping a food diary (or journal). Food diaries can be used in weight management, … Read More

Omega-9 Fatty Acids

· · Nutrition
Q: What are omega-9 fatty acids? A: You have probably heard of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, but what about omega-9? Their lack of mention in nutrition news does not reflect their importance in our bodies but rather the ease that our bodies have in obtaining them. Unlike omega-3 and … Read More

How to Identify a Fad Diet

Many people are on the hunt for a healthier and more balanced dietary pattern and may turn to books and the internet for the latest information. How can you tell if the nutritional information you’re receiving is going to be helpful instead of harmful? In other words, what are the … Read More

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