
Reader Beware!

· · Nutrition
Although headlines sometimes give the impression that one groundbreaking nutrition study will change food-based guidance, this is rarely, if ever, the case. Take a look at these examples of when studies were overhyped or misinterpreted—and why—so you’ll know how to make the best decisions for you and your family. 1. … Read More

Create a Powerful Pantry

· · Nutrition
Healthy cooking doesn’t have to start with fresh ingredients. Having nutritious staples and cooking essentials on hand makes it easy to prepare an endless variety of quick, delicious, healthy meals. Here are some of our favorites, and some ideas for putting them to good use: Legumes. Dried or canned beans, … Read More

Ask Tufts Experts: Prunes and Regularity; Caffeine Sensitivity

· · Nutrition
My mother used to drink prune juice to help with regularity. Now I’m hearing people talk about prunes again. Is there really something special about prunes? Alice H. Lichtenstein, DSc, Stanley N. Gershoff professor of nutrition science and policy at Tufts’ Friedman School, answers: “Your mother was right! Randomized controlled … Read More

Does Your Diet Need a Makeover?

· · Nutrition
For most Americans, eating healthier means making different food choices. All three macronutrient groups— carbohydrates, fats, and proteins—offer healthier and less healthy choices. Today, I’m going to focus on carbohydrates. They are the biggest targets for a makeover, since they make up the largest part of most Americans’ diets. Start … Read More

Eat More Whole Grains for a Healthier Diet

· · Nutrition
Looking for ways to improve your diet? Look no further than boosting your consumption of whole grains. “The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends getting at least half of your grain servings from whole grains, which is around three daily servings for the average woman,” says Gabrielle Gambino, MS, RD, … Read More

Why Do We Use BMI?

· · Nutrition
There’s a lot of attention surrounding BMI (body mass index) and what has become a controversial debate of whether it should be tossed out as a health measurement. BMI is used as a guide for assessing body weight as a risk factor for health. Basically, weight and height are plugged … Read More

Diets Ranked for Nutrition, Eco Impact

· · Nutrition
Among popular adult diets—vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, paleo, keto, and other omnivore diets—pescatarian averaged healthiest and plant-based had the lowest environmental impact compared to other diets, including keto-and paleo-style diets, which scored highest on environmental impact, according to researchers. Data from more than 16,000 adult diets was used to assign point … Read More

Explaining the Placebo Effect … What is Jicama?

· · Nutrition
Q: What is the placebo effect? A: To understand the placebo effect, one first has to know about placebo. In research and in medicine, a placebo is a substance (pill, capsule, [caption id="attachment_145191" align="alignnone" width="300"] © Olemedia | Getty ImagesIs the placebo effect all in your head?[/caption] or other treatment) … Read More

Learn to Use Less Salt

· · Nutrition
Salt is an acquired taste. It is also an essential nutrient that our bodies need for the smooth running of many processes, like maintaining a balance of fluids. The amount our bodies require is far less than most Americans are eating. The western diet, or the standard American diet, which … Read More

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