
What is Coffeefruit?

Q: What is coffeefruit and is it healthful to consume?  A: Coffee beans are one of the world’s most widely traded and most valuable crops, and the U.S. is the world’s largest consumer. The coffee bean is technically not a bean at all, but a seed. Like other seeds, it originates from … Read More

Benefits of Vitamin C

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Q: What are some benefits of vitamin C and what foods are good sources? A: Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is an essential dietary component (meaning that the body cannot make it, so it must be consumed through foods or supplements). Vitamin C plays vital roles in the maintenance of … Read More

The Forgotten Flavor 

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As a flavor, bitter often gets a bad rap. A taste to grimace at instead of crave. While we have historically avoided bitter flavors in favor of all things fatty, salty and sugary, foods like arugula, frisée, rapini, and their respective bitter edges are increasingly colonizing restaurant menus and the … Read More

Mexican Restaurant Meals

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Depending on the source, many consider Mexican cuisine to be the most popular ethnic food in America. Considering it’s loaded with flavor, cheesy sauces, and more—what is there not to love? Plus, these meals often include an array of nutrient-dense ingredients. These include beans, chicken, avocado, plus for those needing … Read More

The Struggles with Weight Bias

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The prevalence of overweight and obesity continues to rise. Nearly one in three adults are overweight and nearly two in five are living with obesity in the U.S. Correspondingly, weight stigma is increasingly strong. Its pervasiveness and impact can be as harmful as other forms of discrimination, such as those … Read More

Tomato Time

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The Folklore. Ripe tomatoes, plump with the flavor and fragrance of summer, tug heavily on the vine. Native to South America, tomatoes were first cultivated in Mexico by the Aztecs, who named it tomatl, which means “the swelling fruit.” Though shunned when it arrived in medieval Europe where it was … Read More

Research RoundUp August 2023

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• Nuts are Good for the Heart. Eating just one handful of nuts (about 30 grams) a day can lower risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by up to 25 percent, researchers say. A review of more than 40 studies (with nearly two million participants) found that higher consumption of nuts … Read More

Five Ways to Prepare Better Meals

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What’s the healthiest way to eat? Emphasize plant-based foods, eat fewer animal foods, and limit, or better yet, eliminate ultra-processed foods (those packaged products high in fat, sugar, and a long list of unpronounceable ingredients). By eating mostly whole foods, you’re reducing your risk for many common health problems, such … Read More

Vitamins and a Vaccine Highlight Research into Lowering Dementia Risks

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Some promising signs have sur­faced recently amid the ongoing search for ways to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. In one study, researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) found that receiving the BCG vaccine—used to prevent tuberculosis (TB)—is associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease and related … Read More

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