
Winter Fruits

It’s surprisingly easy to find delicious, nutritious fruits in the colder months. Here are some suggestions: Citrus. While many varieties are available year-round, citrus season peaks in winter. Some varieties, like Cara Cara, naval, cumquats, Mandarin, and pomelo, are rarely available outside the winter months. Known for their high vitamin … Read More

Fad Diet Fact-Check

Fad diets for weight loss have been around for centuries and they don’t seem to be going away. Many recommend restricting one or more healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, or legumes. They may not be safe for all individuals and can be challenging to follow long term. We … Read More

The Fats You Should Eat

Happy Mardi Gras! French for “Fat Tuesday,” this February holiday celebrates the close of the pre-Lenten season. The name stems from the custom of using all the fats in the home before Lent in preparation for fasting and abstinence. We thought this would be a good time to make sure … Read More

Are You Eating Enough?

· · Nutrition
You likely know that numerous health conditions can be triggered or exacerbated by excessive weight gain. But weight loss also can harm your health, especially if you are not overweight to start with and are losing weight unintentionally. This is seen as a red flag by clinicians, since it indicates … Read More

Stable Weight Linked to Longer Life for Older Women

· · Nutrition
A recent study suggests that older women who maintain a stable weight may be almost twice as likely to experience what is termed “exceptional longevity”— that is, surviving up to age 100. Conversely, women who experienced weight loss were less likely to reach age 90. The study results confirm previous … Read More

Ask the EN Experts February 2024

More people than ever are interested in improving the quality of their diets, but often, the best-made plans do not come to fruition. Incorporating healthy habits may not be as complicated or as challenging as you might have originally thought. Instead of focusing on the “small stuff” with your dietary … Read More

Iron Deficiency Anemia

Q: What is iron deficiency anemia and what are the symptoms? A: Iron deficiency anemia is a fairly common type of anemia in which the blood contains insufficient amounts of healthy red blood cells, which are responsible for carrying oxygen to tissues throughout the body. This condition results from an … Read More

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