
Nine RD-Approved Habits to Help Increase Your Protein Intake

· · Nutrition
We all know how important eating enough protein is, yet increasing daily protein intake isn’t always a straightforward task. It involves time-consuming preparation and effort to increase protein in the diet. Protein serves several key functions in the body: Muscle growth: Protein is essential for muscle recovery and growth, especially … Read More

MIND Diet Puts Focus on Brain Health

· · Nutrition
Two separate diet plans— each associated with cognitive benefits on their own—have an even greater impact when combined. The MIND diet, which stands for Mediterranean- DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay, is a hybrid of the Mediterranean and DASH diets, and is specifically designed to promote brain health. The MIND … Read More

MIND Diet Offers Food For Thought

· · Nutrition
We’ve known for quite some time that avoiding sweets and processed foods is associated with a variety of worthwhile physical benefits, such as lower cholesterol and healthy weight. But science is showing that a diet that encourages antioxidant-rich foods, and discourages foods deemed ‘unhealthy,’ is associated with important mental benefits. … Read More

Brain Superfoods

· · Nutrition
Q: Is there such a thing as a brain “superfood?” A: The term “superfood” has become a pop­ular way to describe specific nutrient-rich foods that support brain function and other aspects of health. And while there is no food like Popeye’s spinach that provides instant ben­efits, there are certainly plenty … Read More

Where Does Poultry Fit In?

Nutrition guidelines (and this newsletter) talk a lot about limiting intake of red meat (beef, lamb, pork, venison). But what about poultry? What the Science Says. Birds like chicken or turkey provide high quality protein along with vitamins and minerals, including selenium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins B12, B6, niacin, thiamine, … Read More

Understanding Atherosclerosis

About half of Americans between the ages of 45 and 84 have some degree of atherosclerosis, and many don’t even know it. That’s worrisome because atherosclerosis can lead to a heart attack or stroke, as well as other life-threatening conditions, including kidney failure. “Athero” What? Athero comes from a Greek … Read More

AI May Aid Nutrition-Related Communication

· · Nutrition
A study has found that the most recent version of the free-use artificial intelligence (AI) program, ChatGPT, was able to provide nutritional profiles, including protein, carbohydrates, fats, and calories for 222 foods in both Chinese and English. While the nutrition information ChatGPT provided was no different from nutritionists’ estimates for … Read More

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