
Are Zero-Proof Drinks Healthy?

· · Nutrition
Q: Are zero-proof drinks healthier than alcoholic drinks? A: That depends. The terminology for these drinks can be confusing. There are “no-alcohol,” “alcohol-free,” zero-proof,” “low-alcohol,” “light,” and “reduced alcohol” drinks. For example, “non-alcoholic” drinks can contain up to 0.5% alcohol. “Alcohol-free” drinks, however, must contain no detectable level of alcohol. … Read More

Review: Health at Every Size®

It’s no secret that diets usually don’t work—the majority of diet plans utilize energy (calorie) restriction to focus on weight loss as the primary measure of success. In addition to being ineffective, certain weight loss programs may also contribute to negative impacts on overall health (like triggering binge eating behaviors, … Read More

Learn to Care for and Feed Your Metabolism

· · Nutrition
There’s no shortage of advice on how to “boost” your metabolism, and no shortage of people seeking that advice. If you’ve moved out of your young adult years and find it hard to lose weight—or easier to gain weight—it’s easy to blame a slow metabolism. But do our metabolisms really … Read More

The New Calorie Math

· · Nutrition
Calorie counts are everywhere: stamped on packaged foods, plastered on restaurant menu boards, and accompanying recipes in magazines. They’re inescapable. And many of us pay a great deal of attention to these numbers in the name of calorie- controlled eating. In recent years, however, scientific studies have cast doubt on … Read More

Spring Into Asparagus

· · Nutrition
The Folklore. Asparagus, a seasonal favorite, whose name means stalk or shoot in Greek, was first cultivated about 2,500 years ago in Greece, where it was used medicinally to treat toothaches and help prevent bee stings. Considered a delicacy since ancient times, this dainty and nutritious spear continues to be … Read More

Gluten-Free Cookies, Crackers, Chips

· · Nutrition
The onslaught of gluten-free foods has been a tremendous help to those managing celiac disease and other conditions requiring gluten avoidance. However, it has also led to misunderstandings for some trying to eat more healthfully. Misconceptions include believing all gluten-free foods are inherently better for you than their gluten-containing counterpart. … Read More

Fortifying Your Muscles and Bones

· · Nutrition
Making smarter dietary choice becomes ever more important as we age because the body becomes less tolerant of junk food and less efficient at absorbing vital nutrients. Of course, we need regular exercise for bone and muscle health, but nutrition must accompany physical activity for the best outcomes. Whether you … Read More

Don’t Be Fooled!

Did you ever notice that the least healthy foods are often the most heavily marketed? Knowing what tactics food and beverage marketers employ can help you (and your children or grandchildren) make the best choices. Free Choice? Your food and beverage choices are influenced by many factors, including what you … Read More

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