
Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle and Your Mind May Benefit

· · Nutrition
Chronic inflammation is associated with brain-related health issues, including Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and cognitive decline. Studies show that persistent inflammation can damage brain cells, disrupt communication between them, and slow down the creation of new brain cells, leading to a decline in cognitive function. Choices you make in your lifestyle, … Read More

Summer’s Bounty

The summer harvest of fruits and vegetables is in full swing! That means less expensive, locally grown, fresh options are plentiful—and packed with flavor. Imported and frozen produce are great options all year long, but if you want to make the most of summer’s bounty, here are a few examples … Read More

Newsbites: Cognitive decline; intermittent fasting and weight loss; physical activity and depression.

Eating Fruits and Vegetables May Lower Risk for Cognitive Decline Research has suggested an association between eating fruits and vegetables and better brain health. A recent study attempted to narrow down which fruits and vegetables, if any, are most closely associated with maintaining cognitive health. Scientists analyzed the results of … Read More

Packing Lunch

As kids everywhere get ready to head back to school, it’s a great time to reassess how we pack lunches—whether it be for school, work, or outdoor adventures. While unhealthy, ultraprocessed packaged foods are a tempting option, putting together a delicious lunch of whole and minimally processed foods can be … Read More

Season of Seasonings

If you have (or want to avoid) high blood pressure, limiting your intake of sodium is key. The main source of sodium in the diet is salt—but cutting salt can cut flavor. Fortunately, there are a seemingly endless variety of flavorful herbs and spices that are readily available to kick … Read More

Ask Tufts Experts: Processed Foods

· · Nutrition
I am trying to avoid processed foods. Are all packaged foods considered processed? Alice H. Lichtenstein, DSc, distinguished professor at Tufts University and editor-in-chief of this newsletter, answers: “All packaged foods are processed to some extent—but that doesn’t mean they are all necessarily unhealthy choices. Milk, for example, is pasteurized … Read More

Leptin/Leptin Resistance?

Q: What is leptin and leptin resistance? A: Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells that helps regulate appetite and body weight. It functions by letting the brain when you’ve eaten enough and are full, signaling you to stop eating. In cases of leptin resistance, this signaling process doesn’t … Read More

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