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Build a Balanced Daily Diet One Nutrient at a Time

· · Cancer
After menopause, women experience significant hormonal changes that can affect bone density, muscle mass, and overall health. As estrogen levels decline, the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, and weight gain increases. A well-balanced nutrition plan that includes specific ranges of protein, calcium, vitamin D, fiber, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, and … Read More

Don’t be Fooled by Weight Loss Fads

Most weight loss diet trends fail to deliver the results we want (at least long-term), and some are downright unhealthy. Understanding the pitfalls of some popular plans can help you evaluate promises and avoid being fooled by hype. Very Low Calorie Diets. These eating plans severely limit the number of … Read More

5 Important Fiber Facts

We can’t digest fiber, but it plays a lot of important roles as it passes through the body. Here’s what you need to know: 1. Fiber is Good for You. Dietary patterns high in naturally fiber-rich foods are associated with lower risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, diverticular disease, … Read More

“Green Juice”

One of the latest so-called superfoods is “green juice,” made by juicing veggies like leafy greens and celery. Let’s dig into the health claims being made about this bright green beverage: ➧ It increases nutrient intake. If you don’t normally eat many fruits and vegetables, drinking juiced greens will likely … Read More

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