Mobility & Fitness

Exercise and Diet Mitigate Parkinson’s Symptoms

· · Mobility & Fitness
About 90,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) each year, according to the Parkinson’s Foundation, making it the second-most common neurodegenerative condition after Alzheimer’s disease. Older adults are most likely to be affected, and even though the symptoms begin gradually they are progressive and often result in cognitive difficulties … Read More

Better Posture May Help Minimize Kyphosis

· · Mobility & Fitness
About half of older adults have kyphosis, an excessive curving of the upper back that creates a humped effect. Older women are most likely to be affected (for many years, the condition was known as “dowager’s hump”), but older men are not immune from the condition. While the hunched appearance … Read More

Under the Influence of Ageism

· · Mobility & Fitness
Remember that old saying, “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me”? Well, that’s not quite true when it comes to ageist comments and behaviors. Consider this: You see a social media post featuring an older couple happily holding hands. The caption reads: “Adorable geezers … Read More

Avoiding Dehydration

· · Mobility & Fitness
Most people get thirstier during the hot and humid summer months, which is good because staying well hydrated is essential for good health. “Hydration helps lubricate our joints, keeps our skin and nails healthy, and it keeps our metabolism moving,” explains Dana Hunnes RD, MPH, PhD UCLA Medical Center. “But … Read More

Do You Lean on Your Shopping Cart?

· · Mobility & Fitness
Spinal stenosis can cause pain in the legs and/or the lower back when walking, and that pain it is often relieved by leaning forward. That’s why some people lean on a cart while shopping. Spinal stenosis refers to narrowing of the spinal canal or the spaces where nerves exit the … Read More

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