Mobility & Fitness

Defining Dizziness

Feeling lightheaded upon rising from a chair, getting nauseous in a car, experiencing a room as spinning while lying down—these are all different ways of describing dizziness. It becomes more common with age, but there is no one single reason why a person may feel dizzy. There is, however, a … Read More

Cool, Refreshing, and Challenging

Pool workouts have undergone an extreme make-over in the past few years. While working out in the water will always have a joint-friendly benefit, a variety of higher-intensity and unique classes are making a splash with people of all ages and all fitness levels. Almost anything you can do on … Read More

From the Editor: Exercise is Good Medicine

· · Mobility & Fitness
In this month’s issue, we’re looking at how a deceptively gentle form of exercise called Pilates can strengthen the core muscles that support the spine. Other articles in this issue point to how exercise can help counteract blood vessel diseases that play a role in our cardiovascular health, preserve cognitive … Read More

Exercises for Better Balance

Each year, more than one-third of American adults 65 and older suffer a fall. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falls are responsible for an estimated 40 percent of hospital admissions and are the number one cause of death and injury in this age group. The good … Read More

Go Out and Play

Fresh air, sunshine, and a change of scenery are just a few of the reasons that being active outdoors does the mind, body, and spirit good. Some people, such as sports medicine physician Brad Thomas, MD, think of the outdoors as their personal gym and activity center. “All I do … Read More

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