Mobility & Fitness

Stick to Simple Treatments for Backache

· · Mobility & Fitness
Research suggests that back pain consistently ranks among the top five most common reasons for health-care visits in the United States. The problem is particularly common in older adults, as increasing age, a lifetime of improper body mechanics, and wear and tear impact spine health. However, back pain is a … Read More

Stretching Feels So Good

· · Mobility & Fitness
Do you ever wake up feeling stiff and achy? How about when getting out of a chair? If you’re like most people, the answer is yes. With age, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue (fascia) become less flexible. This occurs for several reasons, including the loss of water in the … Read More

Choosing the Right Home Exercise Equipment

· · Mobility & Fitness
Exercise is crucial if you want to maintain a healthy weight, improve your heart health, and preserve the bone and muscle strength that can help you stay independent as you age. More and more research also is linking physical activity to a reduced risk of cognitive impairment in older age. … Read More

Build Lean Muscle Mass for Improved Function

· · Mobility & Fitness
Every woman wants to enjoy a high quality of life and maintain her independence, regardless of her age, but the aging process can take a toll on your muscles. Fortunately, simple exercises that will increase your muscle mass can help you achieve those goals. “Muscle mass refers to the amount … Read More

Newsbriefs: May 2022

· · Mobility & Fitness
Brain Functions That Improve with Age Researchers from the University of Lisbon in Portugal and Georgetown University in Washington D.C., wanted to know which cognitive skills might improve with age, so they studied more than 700 older adults ages 58 to 98. Computerized tests assessed three aspects of attention. The … Read More

Light Up Your Life and Your Health with Music

· · Mobility & Fitness
Music has the power to soothe, entertain, and potentially inspire healing, no matter your age or health status. Both anecdotal evidence and scientific studies relate its profound effects on well-being. Though not always a replacement for medication, it can be a worthwhile first choice or an adjunct option when trying … Read More

Ask the Experts: Viscosupplementation; Zenker’s Diverticulum; Honey for Pollen Allergies

· · Mobility & Fitness
I’ve heard that viscosupplementation can help ease osteoarthritis in the knee. Could it help my hip arthritis? My doctor thinks it won’t. Healthy joints are lubricated by synovial fluid, but people with osteoarthritis often have less of this fluid than they should. Viscosupplementation involves injecting a substance called hyaluronic acid … Read More

A Review of Seed Cycling; What is Whey?

What is seed cycling? [caption id="attachment_140723" align="alignleft" width="300"] Seeds offer health benefits. © fcafotodigital | Getty Images[/caption] Proponents of seed cycling claim that eating certain types of seeds during different phases of your menstrual cycle can help regulate your hormone levels. According to proponents, eating flax and pumpkin seeds every … Read More

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