Mobility & Fitness

Decrease Your Risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia

· · Diabetes
People who have a parent, sibling or other family member with Alzheimer’s often worry that they too will get the disease. Except in very rare cases (accounting for just 1% of all Alzheimer’s cases) genes alone aren’t enough to cause the disease. Yes, some inherited genes can make you more … Read More

Effects of Physical Activity on Digestion

· · Diabetes
Does activity affect digestion? The short answer is, yes, though it’s complicated. The effect varies with high and low levels of physical activity. When you exercise, your body isn’t using energy for digestion. Instead, it slows digestion to divert energy to muscles. Intense exercise can have a temporary negative effect … Read More

Put Exercise at the Top of Your To-Do List

· · Diabetes
If you’ve let your exercise regimen slide during the holidays, now is the time to make a renewed commitment to it. Find a way to make exercise part of your weekly, scheduled routine. I advise mixing cardiovascular exercise (commonly called “aerobic” exercise) with core strengthening. Aim for a minimum of … Read More

Spotlight on Supplements: Shark Cartilage

· · Diabetes
Globally, the continued increase of the bone and joint supplement market is attributed to our aging population and related issues. As we age, inflammation and the breakdown of cartilage can contribute to the development of osteoarthritis, pain, and disability in older adults. Over-the-counter supplements, such as chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine, and … Read More

Manage Your Fear of Falling

· · Diabetes
Many older adults who fall are left with a fear of falling again even if they aren’t hurt in their initial fall. Such fear can harm your mental and physical well-being, says Mount Sinai social worker Sheila Barton, LCSW. “Many of my patients state that they lose confidence in themselves … Read More

Protect Yourself from Falls and Fractures

· · Diabetes
As the number of older adults rises, so does the number of injuries and falls suffered by this population. Among adults ages 65 and older, falls are the top cause of injuries and death from injury, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “Many of the risk … Read More

Combat Cardiovascular Disease with Exercise

· · Diabetes
Regular physical activity is a key element of a healthy lifestyle. Exercising most days of the week improves the health and function of just about every organ and system in your body. But what activities will be the most helpful for your heart? “Aerobic exercise is the most beneficial for … Read More

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