Mobility & Fitness

The Health Benefits of Strength Training

· · Heart Health
While aerobic activities like walking, jogging, gardening, swimming, and playing tennis or pickleball are an important part of a healthy lifestyle, there are many reasons to add strength training to the mix. “Along with activities that strengthen the cardiometabolic system, like we see with aerobic activity, some amount of strength … Read More

Obesity is a Disease: Why, and Why it Matters

· · Heart Health
There has been a pervasive idea in society that obesity is a sign of personal failure—that it is caused exclusively by lack of willpower, laziness, and “gluttony.” The science does not agree. In 1998, the National Institutes of Health declared obesity a disease and the American Medical Association followed suit … Read More

Overcoming the Challenges of Weight Loss

· · Heart Health
While weight loss can be challenging at any age, it can be especially difficult as we reach our 60s and beyond. Waning hormones do play a role. But so do long-held habits that undermine health, such as a sedentary lifestyle, excessive alcohol consumption, and nutrient-poor food choices. The encouraging news, … Read More

Muscle Mass: Use It, Don’t Lose It

· · Heart Health
Everyone starts to lose a little muscle mass starting at about age 30. Unfortunately, sarcopenia, the medical term for age-related muscle loss, accelerates as we get older. If we don’t do anything to maintain strength, we are more prone to falls and fractures, independence is at risk, and health declines. … Read More

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