
MIND Diet Offers Food For Thought

· · Memory
We’ve known for quite some time that avoiding sweets and processed foods is associated with a variety of worthwhile physical benefits, such as lower cholesterol and healthy weight. But science is showing that a diet that encourages antioxidant-rich foods, and discourages foods deemed ‘unhealthy,’ is associated with important mental benefits. … Read More

Brain Superfoods

· · Memory
Q: Is there such a thing as a brain “superfood?” A: The term “superfood” has become a pop­ular way to describe specific nutrient-rich foods that support brain function and other aspects of health. And while there is no food like Popeye’s spinach that provides instant ben­efits, there are certainly plenty … Read More

Education and Dementia Risk

· · Memory
Q: Do higher levels of education really protect against dementia? A: While many studies examining this ques­tion have been inconclusive, there is a sizable amount of research that suggests greater educational attainment is associated with lower risks of dementia. One study from a few years ago found that individuals who … Read More

Research Roundup

· · Memory
• Snack Calories Add up to a Meal. Americans average about 400 to 500 calories from snacks each day, according to a recently published study. Researchers analyzed dietary survey data from almost 24,000 adults and found that American adults often consume more calories as snacks during the day than they … Read More

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