
7. Current Treatment Options

· · Memory
There are no drugs available today that will cure Alzheimer’s disease. And no drug can significantly slow down the damaging effects on the brain. Many drugs have been tested, and a robust research effort continues in the hope of uncovering the therapy or mix of therapies that will stop this … Read More

6. Making the Diagnosis

· · Memory
No single test can be used to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease. Physicians rely on a combination of reported changes in memory and thinking skills, tests of mental function, and sometimes brain imaging tests. With these tools a skilled physician can almost always make a diagnosis of dementia. For now, it is … Read More

5. Steps to Reduce Your Risk

· · Memory
Whether any of the risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease apply to you or not, there are steps you can and should take to lower the chances of getting the disease. Even if you can’t prevent it, you may be able to delay it. Mounting evidence shows that healthy lifestyle choices … Read More

3. How to Recognize Alzheimer’s Disease

· · Memory
Alzheimer’s disease may not be detected in the earliest stage. This is because cognitive changes come on gradually. At first, they will be mild and may be confused with normal signs of aging. They may be only noticeable to the person with dementia, who may be reluctant to reveal his … Read More

2. Memory Changes with Age

· · Memory
It’s a fact of life for most people that our powers of recall diminish somewhat with age. Certain predictable scenarios often take place. For example, it becomes more difficult to remember names of people you just met. You may have to rack your brain to come up with a word … Read More

1. Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease

· · Memory
The fear of Alzheimer’s disease casts a shadow over many people as they age. If you are over 60 and your memory doesn’t seem as sharp as it used to be, you may be concerned that this is a sign of dementia. While the risk of Alzheimer’s disease does increase … Read More

From The Medical Editor

· · Memory
Alzheimer’s disease is a frightening disorder that slowly takes away the ability to think, learn, and remember. Treatments available today only can slow down the decline in memory and thinking for some people. With no dramatic breakthroughs to report, it may seem like progress has stalled. But researchers are constantly … Read More

5. Detecting Alzheimer’s

· · Memory
A basic tenet of medicine is that the earlier you can diagnose a disease, the better the odds of successfully treating it. Better yet would be to prevent it from occurring or diagnose it before symptoms even begin to appear. Alzheimer’s disease has, thus far, not proven to be an … Read More

4. Alzheimer’s Disease

· · Memory
The condition we now know as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has likely been a part of the human experience for centuries, but it first received a clinical name in 1906 when a German psychiatrist and neuroanatomist, Dr. Alois Alzheimer, reported the case of a 50-year-old woman with progressive cognitive decline and … Read More

3. Dementia

· · Memory
Dementia is really an umbrella term used to describe a severe decline in cognitive ability that can occur as a result of different conditions. The key factor that distinguishes dementia from other stages of cognitive impairment, such as MCI, is the fact that people suffering from dementia have serious difficulty … Read More

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