
Ask the EN Experts August 2023

· · Memory
If you’re looking for more evidence that food choices and dietary patterns can influence health, look no further. Recent evidence links specific dietary choices with a reduction in risk for dementia. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported associations between healthy diet patterns and cognitive outcomes. Researchers … Read More

What is Coffeefruit?

Q: What is coffeefruit and is it healthful to consume?  A: Coffee beans are one of the world’s most widely traded and most valuable crops, and the U.S. is the world’s largest consumer. The coffee bean is technically not a bean at all, but a seed. Like other seeds, it originates from … Read More

Research RoundUp August 2023

· · Memory
• Nuts are Good for the Heart. Eating just one handful of nuts (about 30 grams) a day can lower risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by up to 25 percent, researchers say. A review of more than 40 studies (with nearly two million participants) found that higher consumption of nuts … Read More

ADHD and the Older Adult

· · Memory
Attention deficient hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is a mental health issue typically diagnosed in children. Though it may seem like a relatively new disorder, it isn’t. In 1902, a British pediatrician described children who were intelligent but lacked behavioral control. In 1987, the American Psychiatric Association formally recognized the disorder as … Read More

Parkin­son’s disease vs Parkinsonism

· · Memory
Q: What is the difference between Parkin­son’s disease and Parkinsonism? A: Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative brain disease that progresses slowly in most individuals. Symptoms can vary from one person to the next, but they all involve a loss of motor control. This can lead to tremors, muscle freezing, slow … Read More

Vitamins and a Vaccine Highlight Research into Lowering Dementia Risks

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Some promising signs have sur­faced recently amid the ongoing search for ways to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. In one study, researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) found that receiving the BCG vaccine—used to prevent tuberculosis (TB)—is associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease and related … Read More

New Findings on Cognitive Health

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There is a growing understanding of the role lifestyle choices play in preventing and slowing the progression of cognitive decline. While we await new treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related dementias, emerging research can offer some advice for keeping our brains healthy and sharp. 1. Eat Minimally Processed Plants. … Read More

Memory Malfunctions: Signs of Dementia or Normal Aging?

· · Memory
An estimated 6.7 million Americans who are ages 65 and older currently have Alzheimer’s dementia, and this number is expected to grow to 12.7 million by 2050, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Based on these numbers, it’s only natural that people in their 60s and beyond are prone to interpreting … Read More

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