Heart Health

Low Blood Pressure

· · Heart Health
Q: I’ve had low blood pressure for years, but my doctor just started expressing concerns about it. I’m 77 and am in good health. A: An estimated 10 to 20 percent of older adults have orthostatic hypotension, which is a drop in blood pressure when you go from sitting or … Read More

Vegan Diet Better Than Omnivore Diet for Cardiovascular Health

· · Heart Health
A study from Stanford Medicine reports that adopting a vegan diet can lead to significant improvements in cardiovascular health within just eight weeks. While it is widely recognized that reducing meat consumption has cardiovascular benefits, this study uniquely controlled for genetic, upbringing, and lifestyle variables by examining identical twins who … Read More

Understanding Heart Arrhythmias

· · Heart Health
Heart arrhythmias, also known as cardiac arrhythmias or irregular heartbeats, affects millions of people worldwide. An arrhythmia is a condition in which the heart’s electrical system doesn’t work properly, causing the heart to beat in an unhealthy manner. These heart rhythm irregularities can range from harmless palpitations to life-threatening conditions … Read More

Pomegranate Benefits

· · Heart Health
Q: What are some benefits of pomegranate juice? A: Pomegranate juice benefits include lowering blood pressure and improving your heart health. Also, you don’t have to guzzle glasses of grape or vegetable juice with high amounts of sugar to lower blood pressure when small portions of pomegranate juice benefits will … Read More

Blood Pressure Differences

· · Heart Health
Q: Is it normal to have different blood pres­sure readings in your right and left arms? A: Minor differences are quite normal and may be due to something as simple as the blood pressure cuff fitting a little differently around one arm compared with the other. Some people also experience … Read More

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