Heart Health

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A Valentine to Your Heart

· · Heart Health
Hearts play a starring role in February, from Valentine’s Day to National Heart Month—an annual campaign that reminds people to prioritize the health of the organ that sustains life. This is a message women need to take to heart. Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women, and … Read More

Sex Differences in Heart Disease

· · Heart Health
Biological, hormonal, and physiological differences contribute to how heart disease presents, progresses, and responds to treatment in men and women. Symptoms can vary by sex, too. Knowing these distinctions can improve diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes, particularly as we get older, when heart disease risk increases. The Role of Age and … Read More

Tai Chi Lowers Blood Pressure More Than Aerobics

· · Heart Health
A study published in JAMA Network Open found that tai chi may be more effective at reducing blood pressure than traditional aerobic exercises like jogging or brisk walking. This study, conducted in China, followed 342 participants with prehypertension—elevated blood pressure but not yet classified as hypertension. Participants were split into … Read More
annual physical

Annual Exams

· · Heart Health
Q: Do I really need an annual exam? I see my doctor for various issues throughout the year anyway. A: An annual exam is essential for adults ages 65 and older, even if they see their doctor for other issues throughout the year. This comprehensive check-up goes beyond addressing specific … Read More

The Great Egg Flip Flop

Q: We were told to avoid eggs for so many years. Why am I now seeing them recommended? A: Alice H. Lichtenstein, DSc, Stanley N. Gershoff professor of nutrition, lead scientist of the Diet & Chronic Disease Prevention directive, and editor-in-chief of this newsletter, answers. “Eggs are nutritious, affordable, and … Read More

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