Energy & Fatigue

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Negative Calories

· · Energy & Fatigue
Q: Can foods have negative calories? A: The concept of “negative calorie” foods suggests that certain foods require more energy to digest than they provide, resulting in a net calorie loss. While this idea is appealing for weight loss, it’s a bit of a myth. Certain low-calorie foods, such as … Read More

AI Is Efficient at Detecting Lyme Disease

· · Energy & Fatigue
Lyme disease, spread to humans through tick bites, is a hard-to-diagnose condition with symptoms that start as headaches, pain and fatigue but can turn into long-term inflammatory illness affecting the joints, nerves, brain, and heart. The disease can resemble those of other tick-borne illnesses, complicating diagnosis and delaying proper treatment. … Read More

How to Gain Better Balance

· · Energy & Fatigue
Functional fitness refers to exercises designed to train your muscles to make it easier and safer to perform everyday activities such as carrying groceries, walking on unstable surfaces like grass and sand, and reaching up into a high cupboard. Each of these actions involves balance. Most activities of daily living … Read More

Protect Yourself from Lyme Disease

· · Energy & Fatigue
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data published in the Feb. 15 issue of the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report point to a 69 percent increase in the number of reported cases of Lyme disease, a tick-borne infection that can result in serious complications. The analysis showed that … Read More

What You Can Do to Maintain Your Energy Levels

· · Energy & Fatigue
Flagging energy is a real concern for many of my patients—in fact, what’s “normal” for energy with aging is the second most common concern I’m asked about, after questions about memory. People become worried when doing their usual activities becomes too much for them. Everyone’s usual energy level is different: … Read More

Give Soda the Boot

· · Energy & Fatigue
Although the debate rages on about whether or not soda should be allowed in schools and major cities, one thing is for sure: each individual can make a personal choice to limit or quit drinking soda altogether. What about you? Are you ready to kick soda to the curb for … Read More

Does Your Body Have a “Set” Weight?

· · Energy & Fatigue
The set point theory for weight, which has been around since the 1970s, suggests that your body has a specific weight range to which you are genetically predisposed. In other words, the body tries to stay within a certain weight range. It’s a popular theory. But, if your body has … Read More

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